Hover your mouse over the orange "Create" menu on the top right of the screen.
Click the "Invoice" Sub Tab
On the page that appears, select the "Client" you want to invoice, and enter in other invoice details. Then click the "Continue" button.
A new page will appear. On this page, you can select which Project you want to invoice. You can expand the "Filters For All Projects" search menu by clicking the red cross if it is not already expanded.
In the "Project" drop-down list, highlight the name of the Project you want to invoice for, and enter the date range of Project's Time and Expense Entries that should appear in search results. Then click the "Search" button.
A list of Time and Expense entries that fit your search criteria will appear in the list.
Do a final accuracy review for Entries in the list. You can edit any of them, by clicking on the Entry within the list. A "Time Entry" or "Expense Entry Box" will appear and you can edit details there. Click "Save" to update your changes in the system.
Place a check mark by all Time and Expense entries that you want included on your new invoice, then click the "Create PreBill" button at the bottom of the page.
Note: if you've already associated certain Time or Expense entries with another invoice (whether in "Pre-bill" or "Finalized" status), those entries will not be available in the list to add to your new invoice.
In a new window, a "Pre-Bill" Invoice with your selected Entries will appear.
Once you've confirmed everything looks correct, click the "Finalize" button in the upper right hand corner of the Invoice.
Click the "Email" button to email a link of the invoice to your Client.
Or click the "Print" icon to print a copy of the invoice you can mail to your Client.
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